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On this page, you will find a variety of assessments to help you navigate the college and career planning process. I recommend using all these assessments to help you narrow down your choices. Using a variety of tools will help you get more accurate results. Cross reference your results from the different assessments to determine what careers are duplicated across multiple tools.

Matchmaker & My Skills

Are you curious about exploring a variety of careers that match with your interests and skills? The Career Matchmaker interest inventory and My Skills assessment can help you get started.

This self-guided tool will take no more than 30 minutes to complete. Don’t over think your answers! You will get a list of careers that match your responses. For each career, there are multi-media profiles, including job descriptions, working environments, interviews with practicing professionals, required education and training, expected earnings and links to related careers.


Login to the program

Go to:

Username: sangabriel

Password: matadors



Create an account for yourself by clicking on Create My Plan


Start the Assessment

  • Click on Explore My Interests tab

  • Take Matchmaker / My Skills assessments

  • Matchmaker has 116 questions – complete them all!

    • After the first 39 questions, you will get preliminary results. Click Start Now to do the My Skills assessment.

    • After finishing My Skills, complete Matchmaker by clicking on Improve My Results – Answer More Questions. Continue to answer all 116 questions.

    • Before examining your results, select Level of Education as 4 year College / University and Update Results.

  • You can also take the Learning Styles Inventory


Explore Your Results

Click on any career in your list to learn how your responses matched with the skills of that career. Are there specific skills that you should actively develop now in fields that interest you?

Learn about the careers on your list. Click on the links on each career page

Save careers that interest you to My Plan in the upper right.

The Career tab enables you to explore other career fields not on your list. Click on Suitable for You to see how your responses match with the career.

The Education tab gives you a way to find graduate programs that reflect your interests.

You can retake the Matchmaker and My Skills at any time and compare results.


Make an appointment with Mrs. Diaz Serrano to explore your results.





Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire designed to indicate psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions. The MBTI was constructed by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers.


What is the MBTI USED FOR?

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an assessment that is believed to measure psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions. According to the Myers-Briggs test, there are 16 different types of personalities.


Start the Assessment


Explore Your Results

  • Go to this website to explore your results:

  • Click on your personality profile

  • Read the results and check out what careers are recommended for you, based on your personality type.

  • Explore your career results by going back to Career Cruising and using the program to explore specific careers.



Make an appointment with Mrs. Diaz Serrano to explore your results.






The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire designed to indicate psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions. The MBTI was constructed by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers.



Make a list of your top desired strengths based on these list of strengths: CLICK HERE. 

This will be your LIST 1


Start the Assessment

  • Take the FREE Strengths Assessment by CLICKING HERE.

  • Take the Aptitude Test for Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Matchmaker has 84 questions – complete them all!  Answer honestly. There are no wrong answers.​ 

  • When you get your results, the 5 strengths listed will be LIST 2. 


Explore Your Results

  • Compare your List 1 and List 2 results.

    • List 1, the self-selected list, is your list of Ideal Strengths. It reveals the skills that you would most like to be using now.  Sometimes, it reveals the skills you most wanted to use when you were starting your career.  Remember then, when you were all bright-eyed and optimistic about your future?

    • List 2, the online test list, is your list of Deep Strengths. When there are strengths here that are not on List 1, the strengths are often skills that you may have been suppressing, or that have become ingrained in you due to the educational or career path you’ve chosen. Do not ignore these “hidden” strengths, because they reveal something deep about you.

  • Click here to explore your results.

  • Click the tabs for your top 5 strengths and read the description for each strength. Write down what careers would match this strength.

    • ​Reflect and write. Write down what you think about each strength. Then give yourself a week or two off.  Reflect on your work, and what makes you happy or unhappy, in light of your List 1 and List 2 strengths. After 2 weeks, read what you wrote, and edit it. See if you have additional insights to add.  Write down ideas for how to incorporate more strengths in your work. (The book itself provides a few ideas for this.) Think about what long-term career direction your might go into to eventually do more of what you love.

  • Explore your career results by going back to Career Cruising and using the program to explore specific careers.



Make an appointment with Mrs. Serrano to explore your results.





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