Scholarship Winners & Tips
This page is to highlight some of SGHS's scholarship winners. If you have won a scholarship and would like to be on this page, contact Mrs. Serrano to let her know you've won a scholarship -- or even more than one!

Alice Li, Class of 2019
Alice Li won the Grassroots of Alhambra Scholarship
Hey underclassmen! You might be thinking, "Oh, I probably won't even get this scholarship money even if I applied because there's just SO many people applying to it." That's the WRONG mindset to even begin when applying to scholarships. Of course, I was skeptical in the beginning looking at those free-money applications stacked in front of me ready for me to grab. However, that's not the point. You might think there's a lot of people applying to scholarships, but in reality, there's only a few. Having the mindset of "I don't care if I win the money or not as long I send out all the scholarship applications out there to increase my chance of winning" is crucial. The feeling of getting an email saying "Congratulations! You are the finalist of this scholarship competition" is exhilarating. Attending colleges and finishing them are getting expensive every year, so while you have the time to play Fortnite, do yourself a favor and earn some cash with an essay. Final tip: if you submitted your UC apps, PLEASE USE AT LEAST ONE OF THOSE PIQ ESSAYS YOU WROTE WHEN APPLYING TO SCHOLARSHIPS. That's exactly what I did and earned $1,500. Huge thanks to ALL the career center staff for encouraging me to apply to scholarships and for guiding me throughout my painstaking senior year haha! Best of luck on applying to all the scholarships out there!

Cristal won the Doc Kerr Memorial Scholarship and is attending CSULA.
A few tips that I would offer current high school students would be to apply to every scholarshis that are on the monthly scholarship website.Don't be scared to not apply. Honestly sometimes you are the only one who applies to a specific scholarship making you a winner right away. Trust me you will need that scholarship money to pay everything in college starting off from books to even parking.
Nothing is free!! You start to realizes how much benefits you had in high school. Just apply apply apply!! Even if you don't win all the scholarships you applied for you will at least win one trust me. Make yourself stand out because we are all unique in different ways. Get out of your comfort zone. Everything is possible. Just be yourself.
Cristal Alvarez, Class of 2017

Alvaro Daniel Magana, Class of 2017
Daniel won the K&N Award and the Thomas Donfrio Educational Memorial Scholarship
My tips for students who would like to apply for scholarships is, first to get involved in like uncommon activities like autoshop, second of all get really passionate and verify what you like the most. Be really into the program you like and show effort and the most important tip i could give is to speak up, any problem or any aid you want to receive the only way is to share your issues because you never know who can help you until you ask for it!

Nicholas won the First Choice Bank Scholarship and is studying International Business at Cal State Fullerton.
Stay focused and take advantage of your resources. Do not be afraid to ask questions. Applying to scholarships is not as intimidating as it may seem. The process will actually make a more self aware individual and a better writer. Scholarships are funding my college education.
I utilized the College & Career Center to ask questions and do my work. I made it a daily habit to look for new scholarship that I can apply to. As a result, I won a couple of them and became more knowledgeable in the process.
Nicholas Salcedo, Class of 2017

Ashley won the First Choice Bank Scholarship
As an SG alumni, I personally recommend everyone to take advantage of the opportunities the College and Career Center (CCC) has to offer. The CCC offers informative presentations, scholarship opportunities, general information about colleges, and many more helpful resources. I personally sought help from the CCC in order to receive information on scholarships and financial aid advice. There are many resources online, however, be careful some of this information can be tweaked or outdated and may consequently impact the choices you make while searching for either a college or a scholarship. Get familiarized with the CCC as they are able to answer questions regarding a career, major, college, and many more related questions. Make sure to keep your eyes open and apply to scholarships writing a few words is all there is to it. There are many opportunities available in the College and Career Center it’s up to you the students to take initiative. As of this fall, I will be attending Whittier College and will be majoring in Biology. GO, POETS!!
Ashley Del Rio, Class of 2017

Georgette Mora, Class of 2017
Georgette won the 2017 West San Gabriel Valley Association of REALTORS Scholarship
To my fellow students at San Gabriel High School, I would say to definitely take advantage of all of the resources and help that is offered through the college and career center. When it comes to applying for scholarships, I say go for it. Take the chance and don't be afraid. Yes, some require essays and whatnot, but in the end, if you win one, it is worth it. Also don't forget that everyone in the College & Career Center is there to help. They helped me by going over my personal statements and UC short answers. I will be attending California State University, Fullerton and will be majoring in English, or soon to be majoring in Communications. :-)

An Chac, Class of 2017
An won the First Choice Bank Scholarship
In San Gabriel High School, the College & Career Center was literally my second home. I found myself visiting everyday, because there are so many opportunities, such as dual enrollment programs, scholarships, and information on nearly everything. The staff are also really nice people, especially Ms. An. She helped me with the college application, personal insight questions, and gave me lots of life advices. I applied to many scholarships and although I only won one, I feel really proud of myself and it gave me the assurance that I didn't have to rely so heavily on my parents for college. Writing scholarship essays is also good practice for when you write your UC personal insight questions as well! Applying to scholarships are so worth the time, because let's say you write an essay for 3 hours and win an award of $500. That's like making $167 an hour. So worth!!!! It's really a waste not to take advantage of the College & Career.

Michael Lam, Class of 2017
Michael won the Alhambra Council PTA, Alhambra Management Scholarship, Asian American Association Scholarship, SGHS PTSA, AAEDE Scholarship, & SGV Volunteer Scholarship
Howdy! *western music plays* Names--Michael... Lam, Michael. I won the Asian American Pacific Islander Local Scholarship and the APYLP Conference Scholarship (congress like experience). Since my junior year, I've been applying to numerous scholarships without much to show for it. Minutes became hours and hours became days and weeks and so on. And it all was frustrating to know my efforts were nought. That's when it all changed--I discovered the value of the College & Career Center (CCC)! In essence, pertaining to scholarships Ms.An aggregates the colossal amount of scholarships out there, and compiles them into an easy-appeasing format. Thanks much in part to her efforts, the CCC is an invaluable resource to my life--providing me with information from local to national scholarships, aiding me in all scholarship/college/writing advice, and guiding me into the future. Point is, go to the CCC and get advice (especially from Ms.An), it's a priceless (metaphorically and literally) opportunity offered right here.

Jennifer Truong, Class of 2016
Jennifer won the Republic Services Scholarship, the Alhambra Chamber of Commerce Scholarship, and the Asian American Association Scholarship
Hello, my name is Jennifer Truong and I am currently attending University of California, Irvine. From visiting the career center and applying to different scholarships, I was able to receive three scholarship awards: the Republic Services Scholarship, the Alhambra Chamber of Commerce Scholarship, and the Asian American Association Scholarship. Apply to scholarships! Don't worry if you have trouble or difficulty understanding the prompt or contacting the person in charge of the scholarship! Come visit the College and Career Center when that happens. That is what I did when I was having difficulty with the process and the assistance you receive is truly helpful! You won't regret it!