College & Career Center
College & Career Planning
It is never too early to begin to explore and research your dream colleges/schools and your career. Let's begin today.

College Exploration
Attend College Presentations on campus to learn more about different colleges & majors that they offer
Attend Districtwide College Fair in October to gather information for colleges that are not presented on campus
Sign up & attend college field trips sponsored by College & Career Ctr.
Visit www.CaliforniaColleges.edu Provides information about specific public and private schools in California, career planning, and financial aid.
My Majors (mymajors.com) - Assists with finding best-fit college majors, schools, and career path.
Career Exploration
Visit www.CaliforniaColleges.edu Provides assessments in interests, values, learning productivity, personality, skills etc. to help students to identify matching careers
California Career Zone (https://www.cacareerzone.org)
Helps users learn about themselves such as interests, Work Importance and skills to learn more about yourself-- and features a career guide with in-depth occupational profiles and college information.-
​Create an account to keep track of your progress
College Board: (bigfuture.collegeboard.org) Explore interests and colleges that will put you on a path to a bright future.
Commonly Used College Applications Websites
California Community College (www.cccapply.org) Provides a free service to help students and their families plan for college.
California State Universities
Univerisities of California
“Common App” Application for over 500 public and private colleges and universities