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Career Technical Education (CTE) Classes

What is CTE?

Career Technical Education (CTE) provides students with:

  • academic and technical skills

  • knowledge and training necessary to succeed in future careers
    and to become lifelong learners

  • workplace competencies with hands-on context


Who may enroll?
  • High school students 


  • High School students:  no charge



All CTE classes will be held during school day
  • Sign up with Counselors during Course Selection in Spring


CTE Pathway completers 

  • Students who complete a 2 year sequence of classes from the same pathway with a "C" or better will be eligible to earn a cord for graduation

22-23 AHS Pathways.png

AHS CTE Pathway Classes

California CTE Pathways

© 2017-2018 Alhambra High School Career & College Center

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