Admission Counselors/College Representatives can now go to to schedule an appointment with our high school
Commonly Used College Applications
Provides a free service to help students and
their families plan for college.
Helps students and their families learn about
the California State University (CSU) system.
Provides information about the University of
California public school system.
Application for over 500 public and private
colleges and universities​
College & Career Exploration
Helps users learn about themselves- their interests, skills, preferences, and aspirations-- and features a career guide with in-depth occupational profiles and college information.
There are no costs for students or counselors. Get free personalized and customized step-by-step checklists for college/financial aid and more--all for free. Never miss an important form or deadline. Learn about your specific requirements, and get reminders via email or text when they are due.
Includes 650,000 college reviews from students, 3.6 million scholarships, 90,000 internships 3.3 million study materials, and sample WINNING scholarship essays.
Explore interests and colleges that will put you on a path to a bright future.
Provides information about specific public and private schools in California, career planning, and financial aid.
Assists with finding best-fit college majors, schools, and career paths.
Helps students make decisions about the right courses to take in high school and community college and provides information about the 15 Career Pathways.