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College Credit (Dual Enrollment) Classes
What is Dual Enrollment?
Dual enrollment, sometimes called concurrent enrollment, is a program that allows high school students (usually sophomores, juniors, and seniors) to enroll in college courses for credit prior to high school graduation.
Who may enroll?
Any high school student with counselor approval
Fees... FREE!
Earn college credit as long as you pass the class
It's a college class. Experience what a college feels like. Learn from college professors!
Free college credit!
Time commitment. Classes are afterschool so you might have to give up an extracurricular you like if schedule conflicts
It's a college class. Courses are expected to be more challenging.
How to sign up?
Go to the College & Career Center for more info!

Click on the article below to read more about Dual Enrollment from an article in The Aztec, MKHS's student newspaper.