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Career Technical Education (CTE) Classes

What is CTE?

Career Technical Education (CTE) provides students with:

  • academic and technical skills

  • knowledge and training necessary to succeed in future careers and to become lifelong learners

  • workplace competencies with hands-on context


What is a CTE pathway?

A CTE pathway is a sequence of two or more CTE courses within a student’s area of career interest.  Pathways are designed to connect high school classes to college, industry certifications, and/or a career.


Why should students participate in a CTE pathway?

While in high school, students have the opportunity to acquire free technical skills training in the career field he/she is interested in.  Students will learn valuable technical skills and soft skills making them employable regardless of the field of study they actually end up in.


“UC a-g” approved CTE courses

The A-G / College Entrance Requirements are a sequence of high school courses that students must complete (with a grade of C or better) to be minimally eligible for admission to the University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU).


The purposes of the A-G / College Entrance Requirements are to ensure that entering students:

  • Can participate fully in the first year program at UC and CSU in a broad variety of fields of study;

  • Have attained the necessary preparation for courses, majors, and programs offered at UC and CSU

  • Have attained a body of knowledge that will provide breadth and perspective to new, more advanced studies;

  • Have attained essential critical thinking and study skills. Many CTE courses satisfy the “a-g” subject requirements approved


Check up to date UC a-g course status by school 


For more information on CTE courses, please view the Alhambra USD High School Course Catalog

Career Technical Education (CTE) Pathways enable students to learn academic and technical skills, which help them meet College and Career Readiness standards when they graduate from high school. Students learn transferable professional skills through project-based learning, which are aligned with CTE Model Curriculum Standards and Academic Content Standards. Courses are sequenced so that students build on prior knowledge and work toward advanced coursework in the Capstone class. To be a completer, students must complete two courses (Concentrator + Capstone) in sequential order within the pathway. Some pathways offer additional enrichment courses for students who are looking to increase their skills. For more information, visit:


CTE Pathways at


Call Us: 626-943-6790   /  Mark Keppel High School 501 E Hellman Ave, Alhambra, CA 91801

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